A New Thing

"Behold, I will do something new,Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert."

-Isaiah 43

Maybe you're not the Bible-readin' kind. Maybe so. Either way, the above is a little ditty from Isaiah in God's voice that can give you hope.

I read it this morning and was caught by: "something new" and "rivers in the desert."

Does anybody need God to do something new in their life? Does anyone want a river in their desert?

I haven't touched much on our wait and fertility journey in awhile; I really do feel like I am resting in the state of our family and the portion God has given us right now. But if we are in a desert (the drought of infertility) then I still would like a river.

A real, flowing, wet, sloppy, slushy aqua-blue river. A river that brings life to dry ground. And something new....like a brother or sister for Robby.

So that set of words from Isaiah came as a prayer for me this morning. May a river come in your dry ground.....something new to replace the old. river


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