Flying with a 9 month old

What fun! Seriously, Robby was a trooper. We just took a trip out to L.A. to see Rob's sister and another dear family together for the week. The flight attendants said our flight had the most babies they  had ever seen on one trip. Just dandy. Robby did well, and I now have baby-flying tricks up my sleeve. I'll share if you want them.It was so good for my soul to have sunshine and 70 degree weather. But then in true fashion, Columbus welcomed us back from our flight to the blizzard of '08. We got snowed in with Rob's other sister and bro-in-law and had fun with all the cousins. Here's a little taste of our trip. surprised-robby.jpg  Robby having fun on a recent family photo shoot....cousins.jpgCousin time....robby-and-daddy.jpg My two handsome men.... 


Family Fun


Sleep Tight?