Episode 04 | Women in Leadership: Craig Flack

What pastor has a former life in stand-up comedy, challenges the status quo on women in leadership, and shares about some serious zipper snafoos he's run into while preaching? This guy. 

On this episode with pastor Craig Flack you will definitely find a good bit of circus shenanigans and a great deal of thought regarding women leading in the church context. Which is a perfect combo when it comes to The Big Top.

During the show Lori, Amy, and Craig reference an article titled, "Why Women Can't Lead In Your Church" by Geoff Surratt. Using this article as a springboard, they hit Craig's personal experiences, some theology, and some fantastic challenges Craig has to male pastors. Not to mention the importance of Craig's pinewood derby trophies that he is supremely proud of. We've got all kinds of important things you are not going to want to miss! Enjoy the show!

Craig began serving as the Teaching Pastor of Celina First Church of God in January of 2016. He married his beautiful wife, Becca, in 2009 and they have two children, Elsie & Lincoln. He is a graduate of Bowling Green State University and Winebrenner Theological Seminary where he earned a BA in History and a Masters of Divinity respectively. Some of Craig’s hobbies include, woodworking, golf, and Ohio State Football. Finally, he believes two very important things, life is too short for bad coffee or small TVs.  

Also, for his loud but quiet hobby, Craig makes some killer creations in his wood shop. Go check him out on Instagram @freakin_beautiful_woodshop


Episode 05 | Women In Leadership: Ben Thompson


Episode 03 | Women In Leadership Series: Barb Roose