Episode 24: Male and Female Friendships with Craig Flack

“Avoidance is not a boundary. It’s a wall. Half of my church is female. If I don’t have women in my life helping to shape my thinking then they will feel voiceless.” -Pastor Craig Flack

How do we have healthy male-female friendships in our adult life? Is it possible? What about in the church context? God has given us brothers and sisters and He is the Father. But how do we do it well? What do we lose and what do we gain with having coed relationships or not having them? Let’s talk wisdom, good boundaries, laws, and the spirit. Aaaand let’s talk about Lori’s new job and Amy’s new book! All the things. We think you’re going to love this one!

Craig began serving as the Teaching Pastor of Celina First Church of God in January of 2016. He married his beautiful wife, Becca, in 2009 and they have two children, Elsie & Lincoln. He is a graduate of Bowling Green State University and Winebrenner Theological Seminary where he earned a BA in History and a Masters of Divinity respectively. Some of Craig’s hobbies include, woodworking, golf, and Ohio State Football. Finally, he believes two very important things, life is too short for bad coffee or small TVs.  


Episode 25: Birthday Reflections All Around with Amy & Lori


Episode 23: Forgiveness with Steve Rieske